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Saturday, April 27, 2013

LED Festival Tokushima 2013

Got a chance to go to LED fest in our city :)


Loving Others

Today, I went to the catholic church,
I was strucked by the devotion time, the sentences that I heard were about
`you love others not like you love yourself but like Christ has loved you`
then the other sentence came out,
`does not matter whether those people hurt you,  do not like you, or even, do not do anything to you,
as a christian, and like Christ, you have to love them.`
The possible rejection was supposed not to be feared.
Nor people`s judgement.
You just have to do what you have to do
like Christ does.

Friday, April 26, 2013


Yesterday's regret: I have to lie to one of people I actually do not want to lie.
What is worse,
I did it intentionally.
May God forgive me.

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

SIlly Yet True Love Quotes (Indonesian language)

Got this inspiration while chatting with my friends

Kalau kau hanya bisa bertepuk sebelah tangan, tepuklah pipimu, dengan begitu, kau akan tersadar dan kembali ke dunia nyata.

Cinta itu bagaikan PCR (polymerase chain reaction), ada saatnya denaturasi, namun ada pula waktunya untuk annealing, dan pada akhirnya elongasi ;D

Friday, April 12, 2013

The Reason

I was surfing on internet to search for some research materials while streaming on one of national news channel. They were talking about what is happiness and what can we do to make ourselves still happy during stressful events.

One of the callers said his job was actually considered as a highly respected job, people acknowledged his achievements. However, sometimes he did not enjoy  his job anymore since he was often trapped in stressful condition because he could not reach his own expectation. People said he aimed to high. Yet, he thought that he has to aim high in order to make himself move forward. He asked what he should do? He also wanted to be content and happy with his job now, but he did not want to loose his target that has made him move forward until now?

The guest speaker answer really hit me.
He said the one thing you have to realize is what is your reason in doing your job?
in aiming high target?
what will you gain if you have your achievements?
will it make you happy?
will it make more people happy?
sometimes people are so busy in aiming high things without knowing
what is the meaning of reaching it.
when people forget about it, people will loose the meaning of his job
and eventually they might become not enjoying what they do anymore
thus feel unsatisfied, and of course
not happy with themselves

Friday, April 5, 2013

Somebody that I used to know

Aside, of course, my sensei, he was one of my scientist role model here.
He was very dilligent
No complaints.
He taught student patiently.
And with every strength.
At least, that`s what I knew during one half year working under his training.
I even thought I want to be a scientist with such quality.

Then, he changed.
I don`t know whether it is correlated or not
yet after that person came and became his assistant
and his close friend,
while I became his outer circle
(although he said he never throw me away and all that crap that we are friends)
He never dedicated most of his time thinking about research anymore
He was more into games
He did things just to be done, not because he likes doing it.
Recently, he had new job to teach
He did not even start yet, he already complained about
how difficult it would be
that it was useless
that he will not make it
that he did not want to do it
he was a defeat even before trying to do it
He changed
I am sad for him

He might have reasons

maybe his father`s condition was going down hill
maybe he now has another priority, like having a family
maybe, I will not ever understand
He is a different person to me
The one I knew has died, no longer here
He is a stranger
He is just somebody that I used to know

Pink Night

Left campus early yesterday to take sakura pics at nite

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Changing to someone different from you used to be

So, we had this conversation about my senpai`s plan to go to wedding plan
where his ex will be in the same table.
That person then said, `why don`t you change to be someone that really different from now.`
He answered that he could not but might have to do, then he talked about something I did not understand fully.

But then it came to the point when he said, `I don`t know how to do that. I have never changed myself.` I think I rose my eyebrows that time unconsciously. I wanted to say that he was so fake.
My senpai continued his story then I said,`Maybe some people do that because they think it was so hurtful if they do not change perfectly to somebody else.` I was still in awe about things he said in front of others. Did he said that for real or he just never realized that he has changed and treated some people like he never recognized at all. For example: me? Helloooo!!!
Anyway, I just needed to write it down in order to make it stay out of my head. So I will not think too much about that.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Platina Data

I have watched this movie a couple of week ago
Just want to share some pics I got from the pamphlet and some thoughts about issue pointed out by the movie.
Apparently, things that they do concerning platina data has been really done, if not been pursued   by the U.S. There have been efforts to develop program that can analyze the genomic data and manifest the result in facial and body construction of each person. However, whether there are violation in using the data has not been reported publicly. The movie pointed out how sensitive this matter could be beside how useful the nationally compiled genomic data can be. I think it will be very great if every country or government could invest in such research project. However, they also have to prepare the law about it. Failing to overcome the rising crime type of misusing the data especially by the authorities itself would lead into a chaos for the country itself. Let alone if the data fall into other country`s spy (especially when these countries are involved in unhealthy competition or even obvious war)