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Friday, April 12, 2013

The Reason

I was surfing on internet to search for some research materials while streaming on one of national news channel. They were talking about what is happiness and what can we do to make ourselves still happy during stressful events.

One of the callers said his job was actually considered as a highly respected job, people acknowledged his achievements. However, sometimes he did not enjoy  his job anymore since he was often trapped in stressful condition because he could not reach his own expectation. People said he aimed to high. Yet, he thought that he has to aim high in order to make himself move forward. He asked what he should do? He also wanted to be content and happy with his job now, but he did not want to loose his target that has made him move forward until now?

The guest speaker answer really hit me.
He said the one thing you have to realize is what is your reason in doing your job?
in aiming high target?
what will you gain if you have your achievements?
will it make you happy?
will it make more people happy?
sometimes people are so busy in aiming high things without knowing
what is the meaning of reaching it.
when people forget about it, people will loose the meaning of his job
and eventually they might become not enjoying what they do anymore
thus feel unsatisfied, and of course
not happy with themselves

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