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Tuesday, May 7, 2013

God's Message: Righteousness and Priority

I want to share you some great messages I got from attending the mass service in Jubilee Church while I was in South Korea; it was great I want to share in this blog!

the main reading was from Matthew 5:6; and talk about hunger and thirst about righteousness;

1. Nothing in this world can satisfy your sole appetite aside God. Admit and recognize you are a sinner, and you need His grace and love to survive. The hunger and thirst in this verse not about mid hungry for the next meal; it's about if you dont get it, you will die

2. Righteousness is not about doing right thing, is about having right relationship ( right relationship) , in this case, esp with God.
Listening is the key

3. Fulfilling your hunger and thirst to righteousness does not replace your other hunger; it replaces other hungers in the appropriate places. Esp; if you want to pursue famousity, after recognizing God, you want to make God famous through your life

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